My Experience Migrating to Exchange 2016

If you have ever taken the time to read my blog you would probably know by now that I am the IT director for a mid sized accounting firm in NJ. One project on my docket this year is to migrate from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016. This post is just going to be a basic log of what I encountered during my install. If you take the time to read this maybe you can find a useful tip to aid in your migration woes.

Having a small shop and wearing a lot of hats here in the office tends to create a slew of challenges. Most of the time I have a ton of projects brewing so focusing on one can be difficult at times. My migration to a new Exchange 2016 server will be gradual taking about 2 to 3 weeks to complete. During the initial setup I like to let certain steps “stew” overnight to make sure there are no disruptions. I also like to be sure I have a contingency plan to undo any unforeseen issues.

Is your directory active enough?

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